STUDIES Does this name makes you nervous? 

Do you always postpone your Studies Or are you unable to schedule your studies? 

Do you consider yourself a backbencher?

Do you feel confident while studying?

Do you get distracted by mobile, Television, or social media while studying?


           Is the answer to all your question is "YES"!!. I am going to answer all your questions in descending order,here right now.  Studies are very Important from secondary level to higher secondary level and Professional level Exams.It is very important to study on regular basis to score well in exams. Some of us like to study but most of us don't, But We cannot blame entire mistakes to our education system. There are too many negligence and mistake for which we are responsible. I am going to show you
"How to Focus on your Studies"

Do you get distracted by mobile, Television, or social media? 

     Phone, laptop and television keep pulling out attention from what we trying to focus on, and if this fail, it would be our own mind pulling us far away from what is important at the moment to something our mind believes is also important, but is not really as urgent as our studies

            While operating mobile you do not know when mobile starts operating you. You have to understand that you are the master of your phone and it is you having  control on it.


  • You don't need to turn off the mobile, if you have proper control over yourself, and if you can't do that, just put the phone in silent mode and keep it away from yourself. 
  • Stop using mobile or television at least one hour before the study and prepare yourself and your mind to start your studies
  • During this one-hour period, meditate, calm yourself, build positivity, focus on studying.
  • When its necessary to take a little break, don't strat using mobile or watching T.V. again.
  • After so much of brainstorming, your brain needs rest, using a mobile or television during a break can bring pleasure, but it will distract the mind from focusing on studies.
  • Instead of doing these things, low down your head, close your eyes and relax for ten minutes.

  • If you are getting distracted by social media while studying, then either turn off your internet data or turn off notifications. Keep one thing in your mind, when your result is excellent, you will not think how many likes you got on your post.
 Don't you feel confident while studying?

   Its hard to be confident in yourself if  you don’t think you will do well at something. And you should Understand that just thinking does not build or creat confedence.You do what you are, and if you can change what you do, you can change what you are.

    If your mind starts thinking "This topic or question is too difficult, I can't do it". Well here's a trick, imagine that these negative thoughts are bug, and cautiously find more such bugs and stomp on it, squash it.

    "The secret of confidence,is 
pretend to be confident"

             If you show yourself confident, then focusing on your studies will end negative thinking and you will get productive results on your own.
        If   you  Are facing Lack of confidence in any Topic or chapter, don't take stress,  take a deep breath and start practicing the Topic or chapter and develop a  sense of discipline in your studies. Because:

      " You must learn to be disciplined, you will not always be motivated "   
             You have noticed that after watching a motivational video, your confidence becomes very high, but the next day it disappears like you have never seen that video. But Once you become disciplined, it becomes your a part of your habit, and habit doesn't disappear easily. 

Do you consider yourself a backbencher?

According to me, Backbanchers Are just a part of seating arrangement, And nothing to do with student's intelligence. Because it makes sense that taller students are seated at the back. Otherwise the shorter students will have trouble looking at the blackboard” Or it also happens that introvert student may prefer to seat on last bench but it doesn't mean he is not good in studies.

         Backbanches are not a reflection of a student’s character and intelligence. What matters is how attentive you are during class proceedings

“The best brains of the nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom."
    __President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
              So it is proved that if you sit on the last banch, it does not make you bad in studies. Then what is making backbenchers to show less interest in studies? Any idea?

       I have noticed that meme and sketches related to backbencher are trending on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube etc. These meme and sketches always portray backbenchers as mischievous, mediocre, misbehaved or moran. And shows it like its cool to be a backbencher. Such memes and videos can have a great influence over students, this thing directly hammers on subconscious mind of students.
           I'm not asking to stop watching everything related backbencher,  but don't get influenced by it. And don't consider yourself bad in Studies, as it is nothing to do with seating position. 

Do you always postpone your Studies Or are you unable to schedule your studies

            The main Reason behind unable to Focus on studies is"Procrastination"
You may procrastinate studies for various reason, even after being aware of that It is bad for you and it is important to start studying right now.


Procrastination is a complex problem, different people face different reason to procrastinate as follows:

  • People often believe that procrastination is only a matter of will, but in reality, the situation is much more complex.
  • Whenever you are one step away to study, another thought comes to mind, there is still a whole year left to study, there is a lot of time for exams, will start studying tomorrow, but sometime their tomorrow  never comes.
  • Sometimes you decide to start in evening and then postpone to another day.
  • The reason behind procrastinating studies can also be an anxiety you have developed by not studying for a long.
  • Some student procrastinate studies  for now, because they believe  they will be able to cover a weeks before exams, and such underestimation fireback them.

  • An another reason of procrastination of studies can be Lack of motivation and laziness.  You may feeling not motivated or you may not want to cross comfort zone to start study

     How to stop procrastinating

  • You can face any of the reasons above, but you have to understand that you are what you are doing, and if you can change what you do, you can change what you are.
  • You have to get out of  your comfort zone, and stop giving excuses not important than your studies.
  • There is nothing like magic wand or trick to Start studying, it is only you can change what you are.
  • You just have to start first, just start it, and the rest will start on their own, but first step is to be taken by you.
  • A useful method to overcome procrastination, is 10-minutes rule, ask yours to study for 10 minutes only. Why 10 minutes?, Because it will help you to study start study for a first time, and something is better than nothing, and gradually develop consistency in Studies.
  • Gradually Develop confidence in your ability to successfully overcome procrastination.

        The another reason you can face in procrastination is failure to schedule your Studies.

How to schedule your studies?

       One way to ensure studying success is to creat a solid study schedule. Study schedule may vary from one to another, Because some of us prefer to study in morning and some may also choose to study at night. But some points must be considered while planning your studies.

 If you fail to plan  your studies, then you plan to   fail  the exams.

  • Establish short term and long term goal for studies it will help you to know the availability of time period you have to study for exam.
  • Make a list of subject you need to study (to do list), make sure to write it on paper. It will help your mind to sort out more easily then making a list in a mind.

  • Prioritize the subject as per their Importance, Accordingly Prioritize the study schedule.
  • Divide your available time in a week to study blocks, and assign each blocks with subject you are going to study.
  • You can also use different apps to plan your studies, however it really doesn't work as per my experience.
  • You can also go for two subject for each day, one can be theoretical and another one can be practical. 
  • Ask yourself how you feel beofre starting to study, whether you want to revise formula first or you want to do something else productive. 

  • It's definitely important that you take some sort of break(s) during your study sessions.

  • Take 30-45 minutes Study session, and then take a break of 10 minutes.
  • Do whatever you want to do to relax but don't use mobile or else.

  •  You can take a Power Nap of 10 minutes, go out for relaxation, eat snacks, sing a song or do whatever you like to relax your mind. 
  • We can avoid the costs of procrastination by making a schedule, and committing to that schedule.

    Do you feel anxious while studying During exams?

  •   Anxiety can make it difficult to focus on study during the exam season. This can block your ability to think and can waste most of your time. If you have understood the above study aspects, you should not panic, but if you are still feeling nervous:
  • Take a Break
                    This is the best way to overcome anxiety, when you feel that you can no longer focus on studies. Take a break, walk in the room, have a fresh air, watch T.V. or do whatever you want to do because it's needed at the moment.
  • Meditations 
                Nothing is a best medicine than meditation to overcome anxiety. Take a deep breath and calm yourself. You have a lot to study and cannot be finished. If you are feeling anxious, relax your mind and meditate or do yoga.
  • Talk to your well wisher  
               When you feel anxious you can talk to someone who can help you to reduce anxiety by sharing their experience Share your problem with them, they can inspire you.
            No one knows you better than yourself, so talk to yourself about what you want to do, think about your past achievement, appreciate yourself and say "you can do it" 

  Bonus Tips

  • Try to visualize things, you have seen many movies and most of them are still very memorable for you, therefore it will help you to remember more effectively.

  • Study like a master not like a student, you  know better that why you (student) keep asking a question to teacher or keep dealing with doubts for the chapter which is taught long ago in a classroom. Because it is you, not studying in detail like the way teacher do. 
           The solution of it is quite imaginary but always work for me, just think that you are a teacher and tomorrow you are going to take a lecture before 40 student, and each student can have many doubts let's say the probability of doubt from each student is 10 i.e. 400 doubts are there waiting for you in that classroom. 


            This thought will definitely make you worry about detailed study of a chapter.
  •  Keep hydrated your body while studying. 
  • Do not focus on the hours you have studied, but how much you have studied.
  • In my opinion if you are a good singer or if you like to sing you can't get bored easily.
  • Always keep sharing knowledge and help your friends, it will also help you to revise concepts.
  • Always discuss your studies with your friends to keep track of yourself.
  • Respect your teachers, because whatever you are today is because of them.

 Also Read: LOVE kills DUTY!!! Very unique angle of how love becomes albatross for youngsters.


         So all you have to do is to believe in yourself, get up take a deep breath and start studying and don't feel unconfident. keep hustle and bustle, make your schedule for studies, avoid procrastination, there is nothing that  you can't do. Now you know what TO FOCUS ON STUDIES.

            If you feel it has made any value addition to your knowledge or it has motivate you. Then tell me in the comments section and if you have any problem related your studies, career or else let me know in comments section i will make a blog on your solution. 
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  1. Osm yaar it was very nice and helpful for students and who will not focus on study. Well done 😊 keep it up!!!!

    1. Thanks a lot for your support you will be considered as one of our power boosters who are supporting us right from the beginning ...keep sharing, keep loving ♥️


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